Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Why do Indian women have to suffer from loneliness and lack of purpose in life after a certain age? Are their any proper solutions to overcome these major disaster?

The issue I suppose is all across and not limited to India only, if you are busy the whole day or engaged in some kind of work you will have no time to think about this loneliness, so diverting your mind into some! or other activities! sometimes productive or unproductive? like watching movies or YouTube will help (All Motivational). Loneliness is the lack of desired intimacy with the kind of people you want. It is also the Lack of love and attention from society because we do not even ask, we restrict ourselves for whatever reason. Come out of your shell and approach for help! both ways, you will get help when you give, it goes in harmony and helping others will give you joy and purpose in due course of time.

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