Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How do I get the emotional support I need? I think I'm depressed, but it seems no one cares about me. I can't even work or deliver my assignments. I don't like my family. I can't go to them. I lost my mother 10 years ago at the age of 12.

Seeking emotional support from the social circle or from friends and family itself is a sign of weakness nowadays. The survival of the fittest phrase is popular for ages. We all are well equipped to take care of ourselves and programmed to be self-sufficient. If you dig deep in you will find that eventually, everybody is alone in the end and all these crowds all around are partial and temporary, so what's the harm in pre maturing and consoling oneself that you yourself are the whole world, you are not a drop but an ocean in it.

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I'm in emotional and social trap. Whatever I want to do, I have to seek validation and permission from people around me. I could not be able to go with my instinct. What should I do?

Emotional people are a gift to society, they see or feel what others cannot even sense. They win hearts easily because of their caring att...