Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What are the ways to always stay positive in every situation? If there are thousands of reasons to be negative a simple smile and let it go is not the solution of every problem so what are the best ways to be positive and happy as well?

This was the prayer that was prescribed to me by a psychiatrist and I believe that it has all the answer you want.
“0 good! Give me the courage to change whatever I can change. Give me the screnity to accept what I cannot change and give me the wisdom to differentiate between the two? What I can change and what I cannot”
At the end of the day I think that there is no point in wasting one's time and energy in negativeness, it's your loss, complete waste.

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I'm in emotional and social trap. Whatever I want to do, I have to seek validation and permission from people around me. I could not be able to go with my instinct. What should I do?

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