Friday, April 17, 2020

What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of empathy?

Empathy is godly, it's nature, it's pure, very few people can feel the rain while others just get wet, it's as simple as that to me. Spiritually one can say that while the Brain takes the lead over a heart in our day to day affairs, but greatest of efforts and historic events are consequences of the decision taken by the heart. As far as demerits are concerned, it would only be because of showcasing or projecting this quality to people who are opportunistic, they will term yourself as a fool and use you and take advantage for their own benefit. Sometimes you would be cheated, insulted or forged by these bunch of people but only if you let them know about your quality. Otherwise celebrate being an empath.

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I'm in emotional and social trap. Whatever I want to do, I have to seek validation and permission from people around me. I could not be able to go with my instinct. What should I do?

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