Friday, April 17, 2020

How does the lord create so many souls? How do these souls reach the Paramatma?

Well, that's an extremely interesting question, I am answering this with what I believe, I have been made to believe this and it made a lot of sense. Our souls doesn't reach Parmatma, it itself is a representative of Parmatma or we can say it's a portion of Paramatma or the Lord as questioned. There are two souls in every human being, remember the double mind feature or the confused attitude we often witness, how does that happen? who is supporting and who is opposing from inside when we are one! why most of the time we do something and think something else; why do our conscience go against our deeds. I personally have termed them as the primary and secondary soul where the primary soul is Paramatma's portion. The primary soul from within witnesses all our misdeeds and even records all our thoughts because these thoughts; evil or good or godly are responsible for all the dead, evil and good deeds or those offenses we commit, may it be tiniest or mightiest. The primary soul being the representative of Parmatma records all the karma and solely decides on what kind of life does the new birth or the baby is going to deserve, it's based on all the past karma as recorded. Just imagine, It takes ages for a soul to find a womb that can carry a monster soul like Hitler and give birth to him, on the other hand, it's the same for souls like mother Teresa, rest all are average and gets their womb without much trouble. The secondary soul gets burn or buried or whatever process applicable. This whole concept of soul and rebirth actually satisfies my questions of why a baby is born to a beggar who is destined to face all the miseries since birth and why some others are born to Kings, prince or other famous billionaires. Karmas do matter, keep a check on what to do and think.

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