Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I’m not interested in anything. I don’t like the job what I do. I feel very bad about myself. I’m not feeling anything to do. Thinking everything in a negative way, what can I do to be happy with the life?

unhappy depressed people
This could be one of the reasons of your miseries, as I do not have other information, according to me you are expecting too much from life, expectations reduce joy, you may have set your self-esteem very high and not getting the kind of response you desire, if you feel it's true, then start feeling ordinary, actually, it would be the first step towards being extraordinary, nature is our best teacher, a flower never complains of depression, nor moon or the stars for their being, nor any animal for their size or looks, only humans get depressed, find out why, what's the secret, you will at least love this job. You are in pain now and believe me, it's your stage of blooming.

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