Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Is it okay to be emotionally attached to the professional life?

Emotions are our strength, not weakness, you must have heard the phrase that “choose a job you love and you will not have to work the whole life” So being emotionally attached to your professional life means you are in love with your job, and that's lovely. I have seen people who drive themself on every day as if it's a Monday just because they hate their job, so to me, it's a blessing if you are emotionally attached to your profession and charge your clients appropriately.

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I'm in emotional and social trap. Whatever I want to do, I have to seek validation and permission from people around me. I could not be able to go with my instinct. What should I do?

Emotional people are a gift to society, they see or feel what others cannot even sense. They win hearts easily because of their caring att...