Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How do I deal with dilatation and sadness?

According to me, sadness is emptiness! something, which is seeking fulfillment, but spiritually emptiness is a myth, nothing in this universe is empty, either air or some kind of force is there in it. Kindly analyze it deeply. For example; if I draw a black spot on a plain sheet of white paper and ask you what do you see? your answer would be a “small black spot”, most of the people will answer the same. Everybody by default would ignore the entire white sheet or its white color and point on the black spot, what you focus on will expand! its total science. If you focus on what you don't have; it may be anything? money, talent, Job or love, etc; your sadness would dilate, and at the same time if you focus on what you have! if you make a list of all those things, in the same manner, you will cherish your being. Another technique is to stay engaged in something till you are awake and everything will fall in place in a fortnight.

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