Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Due to an inferiority complex, I feel a lack of interest to go to a job. What should I do?

Inferiority arises when you place yourself too high, your self-esteem is way far ahead than what you have practically achieved or the way you want the society to address you, it will not happen until you achieve that success. You are inferior you think! But please ask yourself to whom you are inferior? That somebody is superior then, in front of them you are feeling inferior, it's a comparison, isn't it! Stop comparing and it will vanish. Each one of us is unique. The moment you become common and ordinary, your journey to becoming extraordinary will begin.

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I'm in emotional and social trap. Whatever I want to do, I have to seek validation and permission from people around me. I could not be able to go with my instinct. What should I do?

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